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Hair Analysis
hair analysis for minerals and heavy metals - 35 elements
What is  Hair analysis test?

Hair analysis is the most effective  form of testing to date .
The” wonder human body  machine ",  is  able to absorb substances through aspiration, gulp and even sometimes through one of the anatomical walls of skin.
Yet from our mother’s stomach  we absorb many substances, good or bad.   Our capabilities of  diagnosis   enable us to get to  results  that were not reached in the past . This fact enables us to observe what it is in the body and locate where we suffer and to estimate how much we will suffer in future.
Chemists  said : " let’s provide  medicine before the hit ",  what is the wisdom to be sick and later to examine what brought us to the this situation?  We need an examination that will enable us to know what has been absorbed in our body over the years in order to prevent a future morbidity.
One of our tests performs this testing through the hair.
Hair analysis shows trace elements of minerals and metals toxicity level in our body.
This test is made in addition to the routine blood and the chemistry tests  and not instead of them.
Hair testing has several prominent advantages:
1.The test examines mineral particles and in addition, metals  toxicity and weight, 

this way  we do not  need to make different and several  examinations but only one.
 2. The test can be done  at home without  needing  to go the health center or  different laboratories.
 3.The test is not invasive and it is p
Our capabilities enable us to peek through tissues and see what has been absorbed through years  and provide solutions to present pathology and help to prevent it in the future.   
Our body absorbs everyday different poisons, part of them remain in our body and part of them are defecated . When  toxic metals  remain and are absorbed  our body  lose vitamins and important minerals that provoke a surplus in the chemicals.
One of the big advantages of the test is to indicate  the level  of  metals and its weight, to particle  trace elements and  different minerals whose existence were  unknown  and were not related to the different problems that appear in our lives.

For example:
People that shot  firearms or shot in the past were exposed to  lead. This people experience symptoms such as : stomachaches, constipation,

headaches and irascibility. This  people were  submitted to  medicine and searched the origin of  the problem. Hair testing  will show you the level of the lead in the body and the level of additional  metals toxicity. Without hair testing we wouldn’t have been able to  detect the lead  level in the body and of course  we wouldn’t  have  thought that lead is the cause of  the problem.
Most of the people suffer and will suffer of different problems  and it is recommended to examine all the diverse  metals’ weight.. If they do not come from the field or they don't have awareness to the subject, they probably  will not be submitted  to  metals toxicity testing.
Through one simple not invasive test that it is possible to send from home by post , it is possible to discover information and signs concerning  our body that will appear  years  later and to treat  the problems whose origin was unknown.


Q) What the usefulness of  hair testing ?
A)1.   The possibility to locate biochemical problems where minerals’ level is incipient.
2.       In case of chronic disorders  it is possible to detect metals toxicity that may be the reason provoking  the disorder. It also helps to detect general chronic disorders  that will appear after years such as:  joints  problems, mental disorders such as depression or attention deficit disorder in  children.
3.       Existence of inexplicable acoustic symptoms and their origin. For example : Chronic headaches  without a specific reason that medical tests can not  identify their origin, hair testing can show the surplus of one of the metals toxicity such as cadmium and relate the poisonous metal to the existing symptoms . 
4.       Preventive medicine – It is possible to identify which metals were absorbed in our body on a daily basis over the years that we were not aware of their existence and didn't know that they poison our body. For example water that we and our children drink and thought that they are good to drink but  it has lead and mercury in high level that is dangerous.
5.       Wrong diet besides heavy metals we can see the level of the minerals and pinch completely,  it's possible to discern also deficient and surplus in calcium or deficient  in Chromium that increases the  desire for sweet and carbohydrates and variety of minerals that indicates the level of absorption in our body lengthwise years. We will be able to provide an accurate diagnosis, suitable for us.
Q) Why I can not simple to go to the doctor and request  to remit me to  metals toxicity test  or examination of one metal that I suspect that is poisoning  me like lead?
 Patients usually  want to know what occurs in their body, go to a doctor and he remit us to a count of blood and or chemistry test.
The blood test provides us a detailed study of our " current " situation pathologically in our body.  Hair testing shows what our body absorbed over the years and emphasizes on metals of toxicity. Therefore we can know what has been poisoning  us for years.
Normal blood test does not show neither specifies the level of the heavy metals in our body.
In addition, a doctor will not remit us to a metals toxicity test based in fears, and it is not possible to remit  us through the health services to 20 different test of heavy metals. This has to be done through private sources.
Its additional advantage is that the test is not invasive.
Your  hair testing can be done  at home and be sent to us via regular mail while blood test needs to be done at health services laboratory or private which demands time for waiting on line, long hours waste, loss of a working day, etc. besides that there are old people that are afraid to do this test.
It is important to mention that hair testing is not taken at the blood section test laboratory, and that blood test is necessary to be done.

Q) Why is important to  do the test with you and not in another place? 
Ever since till today Nava recommends to her patients to do the hair testing as preventive medicine and as a treatment to existing disorder. We have worked for 12 years with the best  laboratories in the world and at present  we work with the leader laboratory in Europe. In Israel there is a limited number of experts that do hair testing test and have the knowledge to prepare a detailed  strategy treatment.  Nava has  12 years of experience hair testing test. She knows to interpret and decipher and guide the patient to a good solution. Nava studied metals toxicity topic with Mrs Even Chen (D) very well known in naturopathy and alternative medicine

Q) I did the test, received the result, what now?
 After receipt of results, Nava builds a complete strategy for treatment.
Detoxification  program for heavy metals.
Nutrition program to balance minerals.
Nutrition program that includes a specific health diet for patient according to results of test and according to “green experience” method developed by Nava to clean internal organs. This method helps to clean the internal organs and detoxification  in order to remove  the heavy metals toxicity in the body and avoid pathologies in the future.
The objective of nutrition additives is to remove the heavy metals and loss of essential minerals. For example: Calcium helps to remove lead because lead removes the calcium that provokes osteoporosis, same thing occurs with zinc in cadmium.
In case of severe toxicity and its symptoms patient will be remitted to a regular toxicologist

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